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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Humble life of Uriguay’s president “True president of a country”

Humble life of Uraguays president is being an issue. He had been famous for the most humble president in the world, so a rich man suggested the president to sell 34 year-old car in price of million dollars. But he rejected that suggestion.

  Though the rich man suggested much more price than his whole fortune (about 300 million dollars), he rejected the rich mans suggestion. He doesnt regard money as important thing. He didn't sell the car because his dog really loves the car.

   José Alberto Mujica Cordano, president of Uruguay is raising a dog whose name is Manuela, and has a soft life in his wifes house, though that is not rich. He doesnt need any security guard and bulletproof vehicle, so he drive the 34 year-old car himself. And it looked so peaceful that his was driving to a farm with his wife. A president who lives in his farm, not a palatial residence and donates salary to the poors. I guess Uruguays future is bright as well agrarian country from underdeveloped country in South America.

 IPYG, we thought we should try harder for world peace after we listened to this news. We hope that we will be remembered as a great youth group that has been acting for world peace.

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